How Women’s Studies Could Drive Change in the Arab World Women’s studies has much to offer in the search for solutions to some of the… Continue Reading
We are all complicit! I see her as she approaches me, draped in black. Nothing to indicate, or confirm, she is male or female. Her presence is… Continue Reading
What Really Matters! Twenty-first century universities make bold promises in their mission statements. They claim that they are… Continue Reading
Gulf Women And Competing Economies ‘Arab Women’ are the subject of Western and Eastern curiosity and, often, fascination. However, most attempts to… Continue Reading
What Stifles Qatari Women? (Part Three) The Qatari government’s vision has been to advance Qatari women in all areas and integrate them in the work force… Continue Reading
What Stifles Qatari Women (Part Two) The national vision of Qatar 2030 lists “Modernization and preservation of traditions” as the first challenge that t… Continue Reading
What Stifles Qatari Women? (Part One) Qatar is going through a transitional phase that is marked by rapid change, economic prosperity, and introduction… Continue Reading
We are a result of who she is The real religion of the world comes from women much more than from men – from mothers most of all, who carry th… Continue Reading
Urgently Required: Reprogramming Why does he get that stiff when she passes by? Why is it that her initial reaction is turning her head away? In… Continue Reading
May I call you a Feminist? We are identified by different names and titles, some show endearment, some show status, and some are mere marke… Continue Reading
Just a Bunch of Feminists I’m to meet two friends for lunch in a French café on a summery day in London. Having this casual lunch is su… Continue Reading
Islamic feminists distinguish Islam from Muslims Doha, Qatar – How is it that one religion – Islam – seems capable of undermini… Continue Reading